UPS is the logisitics partner of The Laver Cup, an international indoor hard court men’s tennis tournament between Team Europe and Team World. Part of that includes being responsible for actually delivering the iconic black court.
We were tasked to create an activation in London for the 2022 Tournament that educated fans on the fact that UPS actually delivered the court, and create an engaging experience for consumers.
Our concept: Laver Court, Unboxed - a “selfie factory” style space where fans could experience what it was like to step on the actual court, pose with the actual rackets, and get the ultimate serves in for giving all their friends major league FOMO.
The activation featured an oversized box structure that had a surrealistic version of the court spilling out to create the perfect photo drops. The official Team Europe and Team World tennis rackets were suspended in the space for people to pose with. And of course a video explaining how UPS delivered the court was prominently displayed in front of our footprint.