Coke with Coffee is a drink that had recently been released nationally, but wasn’t resonating with a younger audience. With the prevalence of RTD (ready-to-drink) coffee beverages and ample product options, Coca-Cola came to us to re-introduce Coke with Coffee in a way that felt modern, cool, and stood out from the crowd.
Our main goal for 2022 was to build a global ritual for Coke with Coffee. This was meant to establish Coke with Coffee as a solution to the afternoon lull (3pm) moment, expand global awareness, and recruit young drinkers. The coffee break is present across culture with 2 billion cups consumed every day.
Remember the days of. grabbing a coffee with coworkers or friends? When you could take a moment to step away from the computer screen and add some much-needed steps to your Fitbit after sitting for four and a half-hours. The coffee break is more than just grabbing a cup of Joe; it’s our chance to break out of that mid-day funk, our call to wake up the senses, and our time to feel like us again. This campaign is bringing back that feeling and reminding us to not only take a break, but to celebrate it! So, let’s bring back the afternoon refresh, and grab a Coke with Coffee.
This felt quintessential Coke with their classic Have a Coke campaign we all grew up with and know, and also works well for a global toolkit as it’s easily translatable. Strategically it works nicely as every culture has an afternoon break moment they can relate to, and now more than ever people need that afternoon pick-me-up.
This was the original concept that was sold through, and it evolved into this:
Wake up. Go to school or work. Go down. Repeat. The day-to-day for us can be a bit monotonous, and a whole lot tiring. But morning’s not the only time you can wake up, or need to wake up. That's why we're greeting shoppers with the refreshing wake-up call our bodies are waiting for, and encouraging everyone to wake up again, by having a Coke with Coffee. And the next time we feel sluggish, we’ll know how to add a little sunshine to our afternoon.
There was also something nice in the duality of these statements, and referring to the afternoon lull moment.